Barry Thumma
Amish Burial under the Family Tree

Barry Thumma
Amish Children on Road from Schoolhouse

Barry Thumma
Amish Final Farewell

Barry Thumma
Amish Final Farewell

Barry Thumma
Amish Hockey Game

Barry Thumma
Amish Walk in Nature

Barry Thumma
Amish Walk in Nature

Barry Thumma
Down Home Church Meeting (President and Mrs. James Carter)

Barry Thumma
Down to Earth Talk (President Jimmy Carter in Philadelphia)

Barry Thumma
Fill It up and Check the Water and Hay

Barry Thumma
Funeral for a Slain Marine

Barry Thumma
Kennedy Gravesite Affects Family

Barry Thumma
Liz Takes Second Billing

Barry Thumma
Morning Jogger along National Canal in Georgetown

Barry Thumma
Refuges from Famine in Ethiopia

Barry Thumma
Ride with Grandpa (President Jimmy Carter and Grandson Jason)