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By Alex Novak

While, as one might suspect, most of the work comes from the fertile Between-the-Wars period, a number of images show the work of more current practitioners who continue to push the edge of photography.

Major names from that earlier period, such as Man Ray, Francois Kollar, Marta Hoeppfner, Arthur Siegel (as well as his brother Bernard), Jean Dreville, Barbara Morgan, Germaine Krull, Edmund Kesting, Geza Vandor and Georgi Zimin, are added to the later experimental photographers, such as Clarence John Laughlin, Marcel Marien, Joel-Peter Witkin, Jerry Uelsmann and Krzysztof Pruszkowski.

Of course, many more such images can be found throughout the website, but the exhibition serves to spotlight some of the most interesting images.

Surrealism and Experimental Photography
About This Exhibit
Image List

Exhibited and Sold By
Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, Ltd.

258 Inverness Circle
Chalfont, Pennsylvania   18914   USA

Contact Alex Novak and Marthe Smith

Email info@vintageworks.net

Phone +1-215-518-6962

Call for an Appointment


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